Saturday, June 03, 2006

Where I love to be

It may be small but my garden is a haven of peace and quiet. I can sit on the bench under the arch and gaze on all our plants and pick up the movement of growth there. If I look towards the greenhouse I see a place where seeds are sown and grow into plants which populate hanging baskets and containers all round the bungalow. Then there is the barbecue all snug beneath its cover. It waits for the next time we sit out for a meal and down glasses of rose wine from different countries.

This year, after all the plants were removed to go elsewhere, we bought some lettuce plants for mixed salads. They are already growing vigorously, soon to be picked to go into a salad on a dinner table. Then we also bought seeds to grow salads and these are shooting up healthily.

The white wall in the picture and the property behind it shelter us from the worst of the strong winds which blow on Anglesey. This encourages the plants to "do their thing" and gives small weaklings a chance. This must be God's garden! We have geraniums, cistus, penstemons, scabiosa, alliums, Jacob's Ladder, poppies, philadelphus, tamarisk, mahonia, digitalis, hibiscus and many more. On a lovely day my favourite place is my garden in Anglesey. It reflects the beauty of the island and restores my soul.

When the weather prevents my being in the garden I find things to do inside but I cannot wait to be out there again. I enjoyed a pleasant garden at my last address but it was not as good as this. Everything grows well and looks content as it grows. It probably thrives like I do because I am in a beautiful place - Anglesey. Posted by Picasa

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